
Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hey, guys!

Hold on to your hats because some updates are rolling out. Here's what's happening:

  • I'm (finally!) working on adding the World Adventures sub-world lot information. Yeah, I'm really sorry about not having done that yet. Life happened. This includes Al Simhara, Champs Les Sims and Shang Simla. I'm nearly finished with the text versions of Shang Simla as I type this and I'll do everything I can to have Shang Simla finished and posted today, including images. I'm actually hoping to finish more than that today, but I'm slow like a turtle. ðŸ˜Ž 
  • Roaring Heights came out before my hiatus, so that was never added and will be shortly. 
  • I just noticed that I hadn't actually finished Lucky Palms, so I'll take care of that.
  • I've renamed a few of the posts to include not only the world's name, but also the expansion it came from. Sometimes I forget the names of worlds and it's easier to remember them based on the expansion they came in, so it's a minor tweak. 
  • I don't know if I'm going to do this or not, but I'd really like to give ownable lots (as seen in Into the Future and World Adventures) their own posts rather than having them mixed in with empty lots and empty houses. Probably unnecessary, but it irks me. 
  • There's plenty more sprucing up I can do on the site. As to whether or not it will happen soon, I can't say. I can only say that I really want to do it and leave it at that. 

If you have any comments about what you'd like to see here in the future, if anything, leave them below and I'll take your ideas into consideration. 

As always, thanks for stopping by! 


 - Update Progress - 

Shang Simla List of Occupied Houses is completed! Find it HERE.

Shang Simla List of Empty Lots is completed! Find it HERE.

Shang Simla List of Empty Houses is completed! Find it HERE.

Shang Simla List of Community Lots is completed! Find it HERE.

Al Simhara List of Empty Lots is completed! Find it HERE.

Al Simhara List of Occupied Houses is completed! Find it HERE.

Al Simhara List of Empty Houses is completed! Find it HERE.

I had linking mishaps, but I've fixed them. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Al Simhara List of Community Lots is completed! Find it HERE.

My Sims are currently en route to Champs Les Sims! The updated lists for this vacation world should be posted some time tonight or tomorrow. While I wait for it to load (it's going to be a while) I'll fix dinner. ðŸ˜‹ 

Champs Les Sims List of Community Lots is completed! Find it HERE.

Champs Les Sims List of Empty Houses is completed! Find it HERE. Whew, that one took a while.

Champs Les Sims List of Empty Lots is completed! Find it HERE.

Champs Les Sims List of Occupied Houses is completed! Find it HERE. This finishes Champs Les Sims, as well as World Adventures.

Alright, I'm beginning work on Lucky Palms. These lists should be released over the next few days.

Lucky Palms List of Empty Houses is completed! Find it HERE. I'm so in love with the houses in this world.

Lucky Palms List of Occupied Houses is completed! Find it HERE.

Lucky Palms List of Empty Lots is completed! Find it HERE. That finishes Lucky Palms. I kind of want to move my latest Sims there after doing this. ðŸ˜‰ 

Up next, Roaring Heights. This should be fun for me to work on because Roaring Heights is the only world I have barely played in. It should be interesting looking it over thoroughly. I'll get to work on it now and the lists should be up within the next few days. 

Roaring Heights List of Occupied Houses is completed! Find it HERE

Whew, just as an update for what day it is, it's the 1st of June. It's taking more time than usual to finish Roaring Heights because it's taking forever for the lots to load! I think this may be due to the world having a mass of trees, but who knows? It is awfully pretty just the same. 

Anyway, I'll get the last three lists out as soon as possible. Maybe some magic game loading gnomes will come help me out. Stay tuned for the last three lists this week!

Roaring Heights List of Community Lots is completed! Find it HERE. Two more to go!

Roaring Heights List of Empty Lots is completed! Find it HERE

Roaring Heights List of Empty Houses is completed! Find it HERE. I also fixed a few links that I had messed up while I was deliriously tired.

Well, that's it for the updates for now. Lists for every single world have been created. I hope you enjoy them and find them useful!

If you find any mistakes throughout the site, such as broken links or incorrect names, please drop me a line in any of the comments sections and I'll do my best to fix them soon. This was a very large project and human errors have occurred plenty of times. ðŸ˜Ž 

Thank you everyone for stopping by!

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